Regulatory unit

Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN) has a team specialized in regulatory affairs that will support your company in the certification of your healthcare products (medical devices, in vitro diagnostics, and/or software). With proven experience and extensive knowledge in the field, we can offer a service tailored to your organization's needs, ensuring that you achieve regulatory success efficiently.

Publicação – Short Communication

Laboratório de Automática e Sistemas

Short Communication: Regulamentos (UE) 2017/746 e (UE) 2022/112: a extensão da contagem decrescente para as alterações nos Testes Desenvolvidos em Laboratório.

About us

Instituto Pedro Nunes

IPN has a multidisciplinary team capable of providing complementary skills by carrying out RTD, innovation, entrepreneurship and technology transfer activities in the fields of Digital Transformation and Healthcare, as well as in the development, validation, evaluation and regulatory support of telemedicine and tele-rehabilitation solutions.


We will support you on this journey towards excellence and innovation in the healthcare sector.

With specialists in Global Markets such as FDA, CE Marking, ANVISA and UKCA; Cybersecurity; Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, we are able to provide an appropriate solution for each type of product – Medical Devices, in vitro Diagnostics Medical Devices and Software as Medical Devices.

Why contract our services?

In the last three years we have successfully supported more than 70 companies from the European Union, the United Kingdom and Brazil in obtaining the prestigious CE marking and FDA approval for more than 150 medical devices, in vitro diagnostic medical devices and software as medical devices. In addition, we have provided regulatory training to more than 300 participants, thereby improving the internal knowledge base of these companies.


Companies supported




Medical Devices and IVD


years experience



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